Published: 21-06-2015
Duration: 5:26
Definition: sd
View: 324989
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Comment: 82
Duration: 5:26
Definition: sd
View: 324989
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Comment: 82
Sambel Kemangi Campursari Nada Dering Live Purwantoro, Wonogiri
Please Like & Subscribe.
Please Like & Subscribe.
Published: 24-04-2015
Duration: 8:15
Definition: sd
View: 105350
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Comment: 7
Duration: 8:15
Definition: sd
View: 105350
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Comment: 7
Sambel Kemangi - Dimas Tedjo
Sambel Kemangi Dimas Tedjo CS. SRGK.
Sambel Kemangi Dimas Tedjo CS. SRGK.
Published: 14-06-2016
Duration: 5:38
Definition: sd
View: 120390
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Comment: 54
Duration: 5:38
Definition: sd
View: 120390
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Comment: 54
Published: 07-05-2012
Duration: 4:28
Definition: sd
View: 116463
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Comment: 21
Duration: 4:28
Definition: sd
View: 116463
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Comment: 21
Campursari Sambel Kemangi
Campursari Sambel Kemangi Campursari Sambel Kemangi Campursari Sambel Kemangi Campursari Sambel Kemangi Campursari Sambel Kemangi Campursari Sambel Kemangi Campursari Sambel Kemangi Campursari...
Campursari Sambel Kemangi Campursari Sambel Kemangi Campursari Sambel Kemangi Campursari Sambel Kemangi Campursari Sambel Kemangi Campursari Sambel Kemangi Campursari Sambel Kemangi Campursari...
Published: 27-08-2014
Duration: 6:22
Definition: sd
View: 10605
Like: 27
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 1
Duration: 6:22
Definition: sd
View: 10605
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Comment: 1
Published: 31-08-2010
Duration: 5:31
Definition: sd
View: 358165
Like: 384
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 97
Duration: 5:31
Definition: sd
View: 358165
Like: 384
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Comment: 97
Published: 21-04-2013
Duration: 6:33
Definition: sd
View: 558998
Like: 633
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Comment: 99
Duration: 6:33
Definition: sd
View: 558998
Like: 633
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Comment: 99
campursari Sambel Kemangi wulandari terbaru
acara khitanan ananda ersyandhi pras surditya-putra bp.suroto/ibu sulastri-desa klampisan,sempu kerep,sidoharjo,wonogiri.
acara khitanan ananda ersyandhi pras surditya-putra bp.suroto/ibu sulastri-desa klampisan,sempu kerep,sidoharjo,wonogiri.
Published: 18-05-2017
Duration: 5:41
Definition: sd
View: 7341
Like: 11
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Comment: 0
Duration: 5:41
Definition: sd
View: 7341
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Comment: 0
Dimas Tedjo - New Sambel Kemangi- Gunungkidul
Please like share dan subscribe/langganan untuk mendapatkan update/upload video terbaru.GRATIS.
Please like share dan subscribe/langganan untuk mendapatkan update/upload video terbaru.GRATIS.
Published: 06-11-2015
Duration: 5:27
Definition: sd
View: 118840
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Comment: 36
Duration: 5:27
Definition: sd
View: 118840
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Comment: 36
tayub | wayah sore - sambel kemangi
tayub gayeng2012.
tayub gayeng2012.
Published: 21-07-2016
Duration: 8:13
Definition: sd
View: 3604
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Comment: 0
Duration: 8:13
Definition: sd
View: 3604
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Comment: 0
SAMBEL KEMANGI - Javanese Gamelan Music - Wayang Kulit Purwa Ki Kinthil [HD]
Goro-Goro is a scene of the javanese shadow puppet. This scene contains the conversation between the clowns. Javanese shadow puppet performance by puppeteer Ki Kinthil at Pendhopo Kelurahan...
Goro-Goro is a scene of the javanese shadow puppet. This scene contains the conversation between the clowns. Javanese shadow puppet performance by puppeteer Ki Kinthil at Pendhopo Kelurahan...
Published: 16-05-2017
Duration: 0:6
Definition: sd
View: 2286
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Comment: 0
Duration: 0:6
Definition: sd
View: 2286
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Comment: 0
Calung Banyumasan ~ SAMBEL KEMANGI # Seni Tari Lengger Campursari LANGENSARI
Judul Lagu : SAMBEL KEMANGI - Artis : Langensari - Gubahan : Lengger Banyumasan - Label : Tarian Tradisional Khas Daerah Banyumas - Kategori : Kumpulan Calung Campursari Gending - Musik : Gagrag...
Judul Lagu : SAMBEL KEMANGI - Artis : Langensari - Gubahan : Lengger Banyumasan - Label : Tarian Tradisional Khas Daerah Banyumas - Kategori : Kumpulan Calung Campursari Gending - Musik : Gagrag...
Published: 26-09-2017
Duration: 6:30
Definition: hd
View: 85936
Like: 170
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Comment: 44
Duration: 6:30
Definition: hd
View: 85936
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Comment: 44
Published: 06-06-2016
Duration: 4:47
Definition: sd
View: 3672
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Comment: 1
Duration: 4:47
Definition: sd
View: 3672
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Comment: 1
Published: 09-05-2017
Duration: 7:36
Definition: hd
View: 17524
Like: 63
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Comment: 4
Duration: 7:36
Definition: hd
View: 17524
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Comment: 4
Sambel kemangi - Dimas Tedjo
Sambel kemangi - Dimas Tedjo.
Sambel kemangi - Dimas Tedjo.
Published: 01-02-2015
Duration: 5:38
Definition: sd
View: 5177
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Comment: 37
Duration: 5:38
Definition: sd
View: 5177
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Comment: 37
Published: 01-10-2011
Duration: 5:42
Definition: sd
View: 41304
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Comment: 10
Duration: 5:42
Definition: sd
View: 41304
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Comment: 10
Karawitan Mudho Laras Sragen SAMBEL KEMANGI
Dokumentasi Argosedayu Video Shooting, Karawitan Mudho Laras Gong Pijilan Jambanan Sidoharjo Sragen. Live Karang tengah Mertan Bendosari 10 Juli 206. Lagu Sragenan Sambel Kemangi.
Dokumentasi Argosedayu Video Shooting, Karawitan Mudho Laras Gong Pijilan Jambanan Sidoharjo Sragen. Live Karang tengah Mertan Bendosari 10 Juli 206. Lagu Sragenan Sambel Kemangi.
Published: 18-08-2016
Duration: 3:18
Definition: hd
View: 1841
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Comment: 1
Duration: 3:18
Definition: hd
View: 1841
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Comment: 1
Sambel Kemangi.3gp
Pethilan Limbukan - Ki Bagong Darmono.
Pethilan Limbukan - Ki Bagong Darmono.
Published: 31-07-2010
Duration: 5:24
Definition: sd
View: 9857
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Comment: 1
Duration: 5:24
Definition: sd
View: 9857
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Comment: 1
Sambel Kemangi = Sangkuriang
CS Sangkuriang Pimpinan Temon Phone 0813 29200 928 dederan Pojok Mojogedang Karanganyar. PANDOYO WEDDING ORGANIZER {Bp.H. Prapto Daryono} Pandeyan Karanglo...
CS Sangkuriang Pimpinan Temon Phone 0813 29200 928 dederan Pojok Mojogedang Karanganyar. PANDOYO WEDDING ORGANIZER {Bp.H. Prapto Daryono} Pandeyan Karanglo...
Published: 23-07-2012
Duration: 5:38
Definition: sd
View: 79207
Like: 108
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Favorite: 0
Comment: 17
Duration: 5:38
Definition: sd
View: 79207
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Comment: 17
Published: 05-10-2016
Duration: 5:41
Definition: hd
View: 1408
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Comment: 0
Duration: 5:41
Definition: hd
View: 1408
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Comment: 0
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